What is the Alignment Landscape?
The Alignment Landscape provides a consolidated view of opportunities and resources for multi-stakeholder alignment across the health care industry. Industry-wide uptake of these opportunities and resources supports cross-state and national alignment to accelerate participation in value-based care.

Why should I use the Alignment Landscape?
Alignment builds a sustainable foundation for system-wide transformation by reducing administrative burden placed on health plans, providers, purchasers, and community organizations who must contend with multiple value-based care arrangements.

Where do I learn more about alignment?
The Alignment Landscape is intended to be used alongside complementary HCPLAN resources including guidance from the HCPLAN’s Health Equity Advisory Team (HEAT)Multi-Payer Alignment Blueprint, and Accountable Care Curve as a useful toolkit for organizational transformation.

Icon - Male Doctor and Female Patient

I’m a provider trying to understand how FHIR requirements impact my EHR vendor and the health plans I work with. I selected the Timely and Consistent Data Sharing filter and learned more about the Cures Act Final Rule for Data Sharing. Now I know what to expect from all the stakeholders I work with.

Icon - Health Plan

I’m a health plan looking to learn more about state convenings. I selected the Collaboratives and Convening Organizations filter and found the California Advanced Primary Care Initiative. I hope to bring lessons from this Initiative to my state.

Icon - Community Based Organization

I’m a community-based organization and want to learn more about working with health plans. I selected the Alignment Resources and Helpful Documents and read HCPLAN’s Guidance for Health Care Entities Partnering with Community-Based Organizations.

Icon - Policymaker

I’m a policymaker and want to know about existing quality measure requirements placed on health plans in my state and if there is upcoming legislation from CMS I should know about. I selected the Upcoming and Performance Measurement and Reporting filters to read more about anticipated final rules and measure sets.

Last updated: 11/14/2024


Resource or Opportunity Type

Multi-Payer Alignment Foundational Elements

Is something missing from the Alignment Landscape? Please fill out the form with suggestions for additional topics or specific initiatives you would like to see added.



Government Regulation and Guidance

2025 Physician Fee Schedule: Medicare Shared Savings Program Final Rule

On July 10, 2024, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued the calendar year (CY) 2025 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) proposed rule that includes changes to the Shared Savings Program to further advance Medicare’s value-based care strategy of growth, alignment, and equity. active, Performance Measurement and Reporting, Aligning Key Payment Model Components, Advancing Health Equity


Collaboratives and Innovative Partnerships

Alignment Proposal for the North
Carolina State Transformation Collaborative

The North Carolina State Transformation Collaborative (NC STC), launched by the NC Department of Health and Human Services, HCPLAN, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, and the Duke-Margolis Institute for Health Policy, is a public-private initiative designed to promote high-value and whole-person health care. Since its launch, the NC STC has convened stakeholders, conducted landscape analyses, established working groups, and gathered feedback to identify areas to advance NC STC goals of improving population health, advancing health equity, enhancing patient experience, relieving provider burden, and reducing cost. The Alignment Proposal for the NC STC outlines strategies and action areas to advance health care transformation and address common challenges NC stakeholders were trying to address independently. The Alignment Proposal is intended to be a starting point for multi-stakeholder alignment in NC. Future efforts can expand areas for action and measure impact on key goals and strategies for the state. active, Timely and Consistent Data Sharing, Performance Measurement and Reporting, Advancing Health Equity, innovative initiatives


Government Regulation and Guidance

Contract Year 2025 Medicare
Advantage and Part D Final Rule

In April 2024, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a final rule that revises the Medicare Advantage Program, Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit Program (Medicare Part D), Medicare Cost Plan Program, Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE), and Health Information Technology Standards and Implementation Specifications. The changes strengthen protections and guardrails for prospective enrollees, encourage healthy competition, ensure Medicare Advantage and Part D plans best meet the needs of enrollees, and promote access to behavioral health care providers, equity in coverage, and improved supplemental benefits. active, Aligning Key Payment Model Components


Government Regulation and Guidance

Medicaid and Children’s Health
Insurance Program Managed Care
Access, Finance and Quality Final Rule

On April 22, 2024, Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) finalized two key regulations: “Ensuring Access to Medicaid Services” (Access Rule) and “Medicaid, CHIP Managed Care Access, Finance, and Quality” (Managed Care Rule), aimed at improving access to care in Medicaid across delivery systems (fee-for-service and managed care) and authorities (state plan and waiver services). The Managed Care Rule addresses five primary areas: (1) access in managed care, including network adequacy, (2) state directed payments, (3) medical loss ratio standards, (4) in lieu of services and settings, and (5) quality and performance assessment. active, Aligning Key Payment Model Components, Timely and Consistent Data Sharing


Government Regulation and Guidance

Updates to the Office of Management
and Budget’s Race and Ethnicity
Statistical Standards

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is charged with developing and overseeing the implementation of Government-wide principles, policies, standards, and guidelines concerning the development, presentation, and dissemination of statistical information. Since 1977, race and ethnicity data questions and categories have been revised one time, resulting in the 1997 Standards for Maintaining, Collecting, and Presenting Federal Data on Race and Ethnicity. In 2023, OMB announced updates to the categories and requested the public review and submit comments on revisions. OMB released its updated set of questions and categories in March 2024. active, Timely and Consistent Data Sharing, Advancing Health Equity


Government Regulation and Guidance

2025 Hospital Inpatient Prospective Payment
System and Long-Term Care Hospital
Prospective Payment System Final Rule

On August 1, 2024, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued the fiscal year (FY) 2025 Medicare hospital inpatient prospective payment system (IPPS) and long-term care hospital prospective payment system (LTCH PPS) final rule. active, Aligning Key Payment Model Components


Government Regulation and Guidance

Alternative Payment Model
Performance Pathway

The Alternative Payment Model (APM) Performance Pathway (APP) is an optional merit-based incentive payment system (MIPS) reporting and scoring pathway for MIPS eligible clinicians who are also participants in MIPS APMs. Performance is measured across three areas: quality, improvement activities, and promoting interoperability. The idea behind the measure set is to reduce burden, create new scoring opportunities for participants in MIPS APMs, and encourage participation in APMs through alignment. active, Aligning Key Payment Model Components, Performance Measurement and Reporting


Collaboratives and Innovative Partnerships

Arkansas’s Multi-state,
Multi-payer Collaborative

Since 2011, Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas City, and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oklahoma (BCBS health plans) have engaged in a regional, multi-payer learning and technical assistance effort. The effort started as an initiative to stay connected, share lessons learned, and demonstrate best practices related to the Comprehensive Primary Care Initiative, but now the Collaborative has spanned two additional Innovation Center models (Comprehensive Primary Care Plus and Primary Care First). The multi-state effort has continued to grow organically beyond the models and BCBS health plans. active, Performance Measurement and Reporting, Advancing Health Equity, Timely and Consistent Data Sharing, Providing and Leveraging Technical Assistance, innovative initiatives


Collaboratives and Innovative Partnerships

California Advanced Primary
Care Initiative

The California Quality Collaborative (led by the Purchaser Business Group on Health) and the Integrated Healthcare Association convene purchasers, health plans, and providers in California to strengthen the primary care delivery system. As part of this effort, health plans signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that commits them to shared primary care measures and a roadmap to advancing primary care in California. The Initiative culminates with the Payment Model Demonstration Project (July 2024-December 2025) to test a common value-based payment model with approximately 30 independent practices. active, Aligning Key Payment Model Components, Performance Measurement and Reporting, Technical Assistance, Timely and Consistent Data Sharing, innovative initiatives


Collaboratives and Innovative Partnerships

California Health and Human Services Data Exchange Framework

The Data Exchange Framework (DxF) is an agreement across health and human services systems and providers to share information safely and effectively. The Framework aims to make data available to drive decisions and outcomes, promote individual data access, reinforce data privacy and security, and establish clear and transparent terms and conditions for data collection, exchange, and use. Starting January 2024, health care entities are required to exchange information in real time with each other and with public health and social services, for treatment, payment, and health care operations. active, Timely and Consistent Data Sharing, innovative initiatives


Government Regulation and Guidance

California Medi-Cal Managed
Care Plan Requirements

Beginning in 2024, the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) is requiring plans to identify health disparities and inequities in access, utilization, and outcomes by race, ethnicity, language (including limited English proficiency), sexual orientation, and gender identity. Based on these disparities, managed care plans are required to have focused efforts to improve health outcomes within the most impacted groups and communities.active, Advancing Health Equity


Government Regulation and Guidance

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services Medicaid Adult Core Sets

The Social Security Act (Section 1139B) requires the Secretary of Health and Human Services to identify and publish a core set of health care quality measures for adult Medicaid enrollees. The Adult Core Set includes a range of quality measures encompassing both physical and behavioral health. Beginning in 2024, reporting on the behavioral health measures on the Adult Core Set is mandatory for states. The Adult Core set will continue to be updated annually.active, Performance Measurement and Reporting


Government Regulation and Guidance

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services Meaningful Measures Initiative

The Meaningful Measures Initiative addresses measurement gaps, reduces burden, and increases efficiency by: (1) Using only high-value quality measures impacting key quality domains; (2) Aligning measures across value-based programs and across partners, including Centers for Medicare & Medicaid (CMS), federal, and private entities; (3) Prioritizing outcome and patient-reported measures; (4) Transforming measures to be fully digital and incorporating all-payer data; (5) Developing and implementing measures reflecting social drivers/determinants of health (SDOH). active, Performance Measurement and Reporting


Government Regulation and Guidance

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services Medicaid Child Core Sets

The Social Security Act (Section 1139B) requires the Secretary of Health and Human Services to identify and publish a core set of health care quality measures for adult Medicaid enrollees. The Child Core Set includes a range of quality measures encompassing both physical and behavioral health. Beginning in 2024, reporting on the Child Core Set is mandatory for states. The Child Core set will continue to be updated annually. active, Performance Measurement and Reporting


Collaboratives and Innovative Partnerships

Civitas Networks for Health

Civitas Networks for Health (Civitas) brings together organizations that focus on improving health in communities throughout the country through data-led multistakeholder collaboration. Civitas focuses on increasing collaboration and shared learning, providing thought leadership and technical expertise, and educating public and private entities about the benefits, functions, and roles of Civitas’ community. Members and topics include all-payer claims databases, health information exchanges, regional health improvement collaboratives, and quality improvement organizations, and the emerging and the emerging Health Data Utility model. active, Timely and Consistent Data Sharing, innovative initiatives


Collaboratives and Innovative Partnerships

Colorado Primary Care Payment
Reform Collaborative

Created through HB 19-1233 and convened by the Division of Insurance (DOI), the Colorado Primary Care Payment Reform Collaborative (PCPRC) has been meeting since July of 2019. The PCPRC focuses on developing strategies for increased investments in primary care and advises on the development of affordability standards and targets for carrier investments in primary care. The PCPRC is also working on strategies to reduce health care costs, implement evidence- and value-based incentives, direct resources to the patient and practices that need increased capacity, and sustain advanced primary care delivery models. active, Aligning Key Payment Model Components, Performance Measurement and Reporting, Advancing Health Equity, Providing and Leveraging Technical Assistance, innovative initiatives


Government Regulation and Guidance

Colorado Regulation 4-2-96 Concerning
Primary Care Alternative
Payment Model Parameters

Colorado’s recent Regulation 4-2-96 directs the Division of Insurance (DOI) to establish aligned parameters for primary care alternative payment models. Regulation 4-2-96 aims to improve health care quality and outcomes in a manner that reduces health disparities, advances health equity, and increases the number of Coloradans who receive the right care in the right place at the right time at an affordable cost. The DOI engaged a broad array of stakeholders in order to gather feedback and insight into what considerations are needed prior to developing and promulgating a rule on quality measures, patient attribution, risk adjustment, and core competencies. upcoming, Aligning Key Payment Model Components, Performance Measurement and Reporting, innovative initiatives


Collaboratives and Innovative Partnerships

Colorado Social Health
Information Exchange (SHIE)

The Colorado State Health Information Exchange (SHIE) will be a network of social health data, insights, and resources that helps people understand and access the best path to positive health outcomes. The state is building a unifying architecture that provides a secure overarching network for the sharing of health information between providers. Regional hubs are also part of the SHIE program and will ensure that SHIE development is driven by the needs and priorities of people in Colorado. upcoming, Timely and Consistent Data Sharing, Advancing Health Equity, innovative initiatives


Collaboratives and Innovative Partnerships

Core Quality Measures
Collaborative Measure Sets

The Core Quality Measures Collaborative (CQMC) develops and releases core sets of quality measures for clinical 10 focus areas (primary care, behavioral health, cardiology, gastroenterology, Human Immunodeficiency Virus / Hepatitis C, medical oncology, neurology, obstetrics and gynecology, orthopedics, pediatrics). CQMC Workgroups convene on an annual basis to update the existing core sets, conduct yearly maintenance, and hear from a variety of stakeholder groups to gain different perspectives on the measures and consider new ones. active, Performance Measurement and Reporting, innovative initiatives


Collaboratives and Innovative Partnerships

Covered California’s Quality
Transformation Initiative

Covered California’s Quality Transformation Initiative (QTI) is focused on improving care for a small number of clinically important conditions for which there are major opportunities for improvement and established measures in current use. The four clinical areas of focus for improvement that are subject to Quality Transformation Fund payments are Controlling High Blood Pressure, Comprehensive Diabetes Care: Hemoglobin A1c Control, Colorectal Cancer Screening, and Childhood Immunization Status. Qualified Health Plan (QHP) issuers that fail to meet specified measure benchmarks will be required to make payments to the Quality Transformation Fund. For Measurement Year 2023, QHP final scores will be confirmed in September 2024, and issuer performance will be finalized and published by Spring 2025. active, Aligning Key Payment Model Components, Performance Measurement and Reporting, innovative initiatives


Government Regulation and Guidance

Cures Act Final Rule
for Data Sharing

The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology’s (ONC) Cures Act Final Rule aims to promote secure access, exchange, and use of electronic health information. The Act accelerates the uptake of standardized application programming interfaces (APIs), requires IT developers to provide API capabilities for population health management, and increases patient access to electronic health information. active, Timely and Consistent Data Sharing


Collaboratives and Innovative Partnerships

Delaware Primary Care
Reform Collaborative

The Delaware Health Care Commission created the Delaware Primary Care Reform Collaborative as part of a statewide effort to expand value-based care delivery models. The Collaborative develops recommendations to strengthen the primary care system in Delaware and includes health plans, providers, and Delaware state health leaders. The Collaborative also creates annual reports, providing insights into the primary care workforce and trends. active, Aligning Key Payment Model Components, Performance Measurement and Reporting, innovative initiatives


Government Regulation and Guidance

Final Rule to Expand Access
to Health Information and Improve
the Prior Authorization Process

The final rule requires Medicare Advantage (MA) organizations, Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) fee-for-service (FFS) programs, Medicaid managed care plans, CHIP managed care entities, and issuers of Qualified Health Plans (QHPs) offered on the Federally-facilitated Exchanges (FFEs) to improve the electronic exchange of health information and prior authorization processes for medical items and services. It also requires the same entities to implement Health Level 7 (HL7) Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) Prior Authorization application programming interface (API), which can be used to facilitate a more efficient electronic prior authorization process between providers and health plans by automating the end-to-end prior authorization process.Compliance requirements will begin in January 2027. upcoming, Timely and Consistent Data Sharing


Alignment Resources and Helpful Documents

HCPLAN’s Guidance for Health Care
Entities Partnering with
Community-Based Organizations

The HCPLAN’s Health Equity Advisory Team (HEAT) meets regularly to identify and prioritize opportunities to advance health equity through alternative payment models (APMs). The HEAT’s Guidance for Health Care Entities Partnering with Community-Based Organizations provides stakeholders recommendations and examples of health policy and payment mechanisms utilized to address health-related social needs (HRSNs) with a focus on collaboration between community-based organizations (CBOs) and health care entities involved in alternative payment model (APM) design and delivery. active, Aligning Key Payment Model Components, Advancing Health Equity


Alignment Resources and Helpful Documents

HCPLAN’s Guidance on
Social Risk Adjustment

The HCPLAN’s Health Equity Advisory Team (HEAT) meets regularly to identify and prioritize opportunities to advance health equity through alternative payment models (APMs). The HEAT’s Advancing Health Equity Through APMs Guidance on Social Risk Adjustment provides stakeholders with a starting point for action by offering guidance on three core components of social risk adjustment: data collection (e.g., tools to social risk factors such as housing, food security, and transportation needs), payment incentives and mechanisms, and care transformation. active, Aligning Key Payment Model Components, Advancing Health Equity


Collaboratives and Innovative Partnerships

Integrated Healthcare Association’s
Align. Measure. Perform. Program

The Integrated Healthcare Association’s (IHA) Align. Measure. Perform. (AMP) program is an initiative designed to improve healthcare quality and reduce costs through a coordinated approach in California. The program seeks to align incentives, measure performance, and reward high-quality, cost-effective care. AMP has four program components: an aligned measure set and benchmarking, incentive design, public reporting, and public recognition. Today, 16 health plans and more than 200 physician organizations participate in AMP. active, Aligning Key Payment Model Components, Timely and Consistent Data Sharing, Performance Measurement and Reporting


Collaboratives and Innovative Partnerships

Kentuckiana Health Collaborative

The Kentuckiana Healthcare Collaborative (KHC) is a coalition of businesses and healthcare stakeholders focused on improving healthcare quality, making healthcare more affordable, and promoting equitable healthcare. KHC leads efforts for consolidated measurement and reporting by working with health plans to collect claims data that informs a quality measure list and reporting. active, Performance Measurement and Reporting, innovative initiatives


Collaboratives and Innovative Partnerships

Massachusetts Quality Measure
Alignment Taskforce

Massachusetts began convening the Taskforce in 2017 to build consensus on an aligned measure set for voluntary adoption by health plans in global budget-based risk contracts, identify strategic priority areas for measure development, and advise on the measurement and reporting of health inequities. Since 2017, the Taskforce has released annually updated measure sets for shared implementation. The Taskforce also maintains a “Developmental Set measure topics,” which are topics of priority interest for which it has not been able to identify suitable candidate measures. active, Performance Measurement and Reporting, innovative initiatives


Collaboratives and Innovative Partnerships

Michigan Multipayer Initiatives

Michigan Multipayer Initiatives (MMI) serves as a convening and policy alignment hub that brings together stakeholders to develop, implement, evaluate, and spread effective models that sustain high quality, comprehensive, accountable primary care. MMI has a history of convening large statewide multi-payer demonstrations, including several Innovation Center demonstrations and voluntary multi-payer efforts. MMI’s 2023-2025 Priority Focus Areas include advancing alternative payment models, improving health equity, reducing provider burden, and advancing performance measure alignment. active, Providing and Leveraging Technical Assistance, innovative initiatives


Collaboratives and Innovative Partnerships

Minnesota Community Measurement

Minnesota Community Measurement (MCM) is using data to improve health care in the region. They work with doctors, hospitals, clinics, insurance companies, purchasers, and state agencies to design measures, and then collect, analyze, and share actionable data on health care quality and cost. MCM releases a variety of annual public reports, including cost & utilization, health care quality, disparities by plan and demographics, and spotlight reports to help consumers compare and choose clinics based on quality and cost ratings, understand the care they should receive, and learn how to save money on their care. active, Performance Measurement and Reporting, Timely and Consistent Data Sharing, innovative initiatives


Collaboratives and Innovative Partnerships

National Committee for Quality
Assurance Bulk FHIR Coalition

The Bulk FHIR Quality Coalition is a National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) and public-private sector collaboration focused on leveraging regulated Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) data for NCQA’s Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS) measures. Phase 1 of the Coalition involves health plan-provider or ACO cohorts that create pipelines from clinical data and claims data, which are tested and validated against specific HEDIS FHIR Implementation Guides from NCQA. active, Timely and Consistent Data Sharing, innovative initiatives


Collaboratives and Innovative Partnerships

National Committee for Quality
Assurance Health Equity
Accreditation Programs

National Committee for Quality Assurance’s (NCQA) Health Equity Accreditation and Health Equity Accreditation Plus are a guide to help health systems, health plans and other care organizations advance health equity. The programs assist organizations in meeting their health equity related goals by building an internal culture that supports the organization’s external health equity work, identifying opportunities to reduce health inequities and improve care, collecting data on community social risk factors and patients’ social needs, and establishing partnerships that support community-based organizations. active, Advancing Health Equity, innovative initiatives


Collaboratives and Innovative Partnerships

National Quality Forum
Aligned Innovation

Aligned Innovation is a multi-stakeholder initiative from the National Quality Forum (NQF) that will advance the next generation of quality measures for behavioral health and maternal health outcomes. The recent new measures prioritized by the Coalition include outcomes for mild to moderate behavioral health conditions and reducing severe maternal morbidity. The program is differentiated by a rapid-cycle measure development process, rather than the six year or more timeframe that’s typical of traditional measure development. active, Performance Measurement and Reporting, innovative initiatives


Collaboratives and Innovative Partnerships


NCCARE360 is a statewide network that unites health care and human services organizations with a shared technology. The NCCARE360 implementation team includes United Way of North Carolina/NC 211, Unite Us, and Expound Decision Systems. These organizations link people and families to free and local health and human services resources, offer a platform for secure and timely care coordination and outcomes, and create a data repository model to manage social determinants of health resources in North Carolina. active, Timely and Consistent Data Sharing, Advancing Health Equity, innovative initiatives


Collaboratives and Innovative Partnerships

North Carolina Healthy
Opportunities Pilots

The North Carolina Health Opportunities Pilots (HOP), part of NC’s Section 1115 waiver, is a comprehensive program dedicated to solving non-medical needs for Medicaid enrollees. HOP covers the cost of 29 interventions defined and priced in the Department of Health and Human Services’ Pilot Fee Schedule, including housing navigation and move-in fees, food and nutrition access care, transportation reimbursement, and violence intervention services. The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services intends to expand HOP services to new populations beginning with those eligible for Tailored Care Management. active, Advancing Health Equity, innovative initiatives


Alignment Resources and Helpful Documents

Oregon Regional Multi-Payer
Global Budget Model:
Aligning 4 Health

The Oregon Health Authority developed a report that provides recommendations for a global budget health care delivery pilot. The proposed model, Aligning 4 Health (A4H), is designed to change incentives for health plans and providers to improve health. The model establishes an annual, predetermined total budget for a defined population, which offers new flexibility for how health services are reimbursed, so that providers can focus their services on keeping people healthy. The model also includes shared expectations around promoting high quality care, paying for outcomes, and addressing health inequities. Features of the model include centering health equity, shared accountability to quality and health equity, containing costs, building on and advancing health system transformation, seeking alignment and promoting broad participation and partnership, and flexibility, scalability, and resiliency in the model. active, Aligning Key Payment Model Components


Collaboratives and Innovative Partnerships

Partnership to Align
Social Care

The Partnership to Align Social Care convenes health stakeholders to develop strategies that enable partnerships between health care organizations and networks of community-based organizations (CBOs) delivering social care services. The Partnership provides thought leadership on ways to address health-related social needs with CBOs, contracting and billing guidance between health care and community care networks, and how to integrate health equity into clinical care. active, Aligning Key Payment Model Components, Advancing Health Equity, innovative initiatives


Collaboratives and Innovative Partnerships

The Center for Medicare &
Medicaid Innovation Models

The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation develops new payment and service delivery models in accordance with the requirements of section 1115A of the Social Security Act. In 2021, the Innovation Center set a strategic goal for its next ten years: to transform the health system into one that achieves equitable outcomes through high quality, affordable, person-centered care. As part of this, the Innovation Center aims to design models that are inclusive of a variety of providers to increase beneficiaries’ access to high-quality care. Model categories include accountable care models, disease-specific & episode-based models, health plan models, prescription drug models, state & community-based models, and statutory models. active, Aligning Key Payment Model Components, Performance Measurement and Reporting, Advancing Health Equity, Timely and Consistent Data Sharing, Providing and Leveraging Technical Assistance, innovative initiatives


Collaboratives and Innovative Partnerships

The Gravity Project

The Gravity Project advances equitable health and social care by developing consensus-driven standards on social determinants of health (SDOH). The Gravity Project focuses on creating universal definitions of different social needs to be used in the health care space, improving standards for recording, documenting, and exchanging SDOH information, and testing evolving terminology and data exchange standards through affinity groups. active, Timely and Consistent Data Sharing, Advancing Health Equity, innovative initiatives


Alignment Resources and Helpful Documents

The Health Care Transformation
Task Force’s Resources
and Perspectives

The Health Care Transformation Task Force is a non-profit, private sector consortium comprised of patient advocacy organizations, providers, payers, and health care purchasers dedicated to creating a health care delivery system that achieves equitable outcomes through high-quality, affordable, and person-centered care. The Task Force has developed best practices and toolkits for implementing value-based payment models and identified actionable policy recommendations. active, Technical Assistance


Alignment Resources and Helpful Documents

The Maternal Health Hub’s
Maternal Health Quality Report

The Maternal Health Hub was a forum to share learnings and best practices, payment reform evidence, and resources to accelerate the identification and dissemination of effective value-based care delivery and payment strategies for maternity care. The Hub produced guidance on the development and implementation of maternity patient reported experience measures (PREMs) and patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) by identifying innovative patient-focused measures to fill existing measure gaps. archived, Advancing Health Equity, Performance Measurement and Reporting


Alignment Resources and Helpful Documents

The Future of Sustainable Value-Based
Payment: Voluntary Best Practices
to Advance Data Sharing

The National Association of Accountable Care Organizations (NAACOs), American Medical Association (AMA), and AHIP created a playbook that presents voluntary guidelines and best practices to advance data sharing, which includes data privacy, data infrastructure, value-based care participant readiness, federal health information technology requirements, and financial investment. The playbook is based on findings from an advisory workgroup comprising members from each partner association, a managing committee of association leaders, a literature review, an environmental scan, and interviews with subject matter experts. active, Timely and Consistent Data Sharing


Government Regulation and Guidance

The Universal Foundation
Measure Set

In an effort to align measures that drive quality improvement and care transformation, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) selected adult and pediatric measures that promote the best, safest, and most equitable care for individuals across critical quality areas: wellness and prevention, chronic conditions, behavioral health, person-centered care, and seamless care coordination. The measures will be used across CMS quality programs and prioritized for stratification and digitization. active, Performance Measurement and Reporting


Government Regulation and Guidance

Trusted Exchange Framework
Common Agreement Standards

The Trusted Exchange Framework Common Agreement (TEFCA) was published by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) to establish the infrastructure model and governing approach for users in different networks to securely share basic clinical information with each other, all under commonly agreed-to expectations and rules. TEFCA describes a common set of non-binding, foundational principles for trust policies and practices that can help facilitate an exchange among organizations. These principles include standardization, transparency, cooperation and non-discrimination, privacy, security, patient safety, access, and data-driven accountability. active, Timely and Consistent Data Sharing


Government Regulation and Guidance

Updated Centers for Medicare
& Medicaid Services Health
Equity Framework

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has updated their Framework for Health Equity, expanding upon its initial 2022-2032 priorities. The five priorities for reducing disparities in health include: expanding the collection, reporting, and analysis of standardized data; assessing causes of disparities within CMS programs, and addressing inequities in policies and operations to close gaps; building capacity of health care organizations and the workforce to reduce health and health care disparities; advancing language access, health literacy, and the provision of culturally tailored services; and increasing all forms of accessibility to health care services and coverage. active, Advancing Health Equity


Collaboratives and Innovative Partnerships

Vermont’s All-Payer Accountable
Care Organization Model

The Vermont All-Payer Accountable Care Organization (ACO) Model (VTAPM) began on January 1, 2017 and is scheduled to end on December 31, 2024. It is a culmination of Vermont’s commitment to health care transformation, building from Vermont’s Global Commitment to Health Section 1115 waiver, the Blueprint for Health, and a multi-payer ACO Shared Savings Program (SSP) pilot under Vermont’s State Innovation Models (SIM) Testing Grant. Medicare, Medicaid, BlueCross BlueShield of Vermont, MVP Health Care, and the State Employees’ Health Care Plan—a self-insured plan administered by BCBSVT— participate in the model, representing the majority of covered lives in the state. The Model is administered by OneCare Vermont, who coordinates all funding from all VTAPM payment mechanisms – all-inclusive population-based payment, fixed prospective payment, and traditional fee-for-service (FFS). The Model aims to use this ACO structure to reduce statewide spending and improve population health outcomes. active, Timely and Consistent Data Sharing, Aligning Key Payment Model Components, innovative initiatives


Collaboratives and Innovative Partnerships

Washington Multi-Payer Collaborative

The Washington State Health Care Authority formed a Multi-Payer Collaborative (MPC) to increase access to high-quality comprehensive primary care to improve health care outcomes. The MPC aims to improve primary care by enhancing the patient experience, improving population health outcomes, reducing costs, and improving the work life of health care providers. Part of the work being done by the MPC is the introduction of the MPC Learning Cohort, which will be an avenue for providers to shape where payers align their efforts to create primary care provider supports. active, Providing and Leveraging Technical Assistance, innovative initiatives

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