State Listening Session on Thursday, Mar 17
- March 11, 2016
- Posted by: Health Care Payment Learning & Action Network
- Categories: LAN Update, Webinars, Work Product Releases

Please join us next Thursday for a special listening session for states:
State Listening Session: Elective Joint Replacement
Thursday, March 17 @ 2 – 3:30 pm EST
In this Listening Session, our state-affiliated Work Group members will discuss the Clinical Episode Payment (CEP) Work Group’s draft white paper on elective joint replacement. Recommendations focus on designing and operationalizing patient-centered episode payment for elective hip and knee replacement across a broad set of health plans, providers, and purchasers.
Participants will have an opportunity to engage directly with the LAN’s state-affiliated CEP Work Group members and Guiding Committee members as we answer questions on the draft recommendations, hear how other states have addressed these topics, and learn about opportunities to provide comments on the draft white paper. Based on feedback from our prior webinars, we are excited to say we have expanded to a 90-minute format to accommodate additional questions and discussion.
Our speakers include:
- John Bertko, CEP Work Group member, Chief Actuary, Covered California
- Tom Betlach, Guiding Committee member, Director Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System
- Brooks Daverman, CEP Work Group member, Director of Strategic Planning and Innovation, Division of Health Care Finance and Administration, State of Tennessee
- Steven Spaulding, CEP Work Group member, Senior Vice President, Enterprise Networks, Arkansas Blue Cross Blue Shield
Additional resources:
- Read the elective joint replacement draft white paper
- Learn about the CEP Work Group
- Provide your comments on the draft white paper by Monday, March 28.
We want to hear from our state and state-affiliated LAN participants!