What is the Alignment Landscape?
The Alignment Landscape provides a consolidated view of opportunities and resources for multi-stakeholder alignment across the health care industry. Industry-wide uptake of these opportunities and resources supports cross-state and national alignment to accelerate participation in value-based care.
Why should I use the Alignment Landscape?
Alignment builds a sustainable foundation for system-wide transformation by reducing administrative burden placed on health plans, providers, purchasers, and community organizations who must contend with multiple value-based care arrangements.
Where do I learn more about alignment?
The Alignment Landscape is intended to be used alongside complementary HCPLAN resources including guidance from the HCPLAN’s Health Equity Advisory Team (HEAT), Multi-Payer Alignment Blueprint, and Accountable Care Curve as a useful toolkit for organizational transformation.

I’m a provider trying to understand how FHIR requirements impact my EHR vendor and the health plans I work with. I selected the Timely and Consistent Data Sharing filter and learned more about the Cures Act Final Rule for Data Sharing. Now I know what to expect from all the stakeholders I work with.

I’m a health plan looking to learn more about state convenings. I selected the Collaboratives and Convening Organizations filter and found the California Advanced Primary Care Initiative. I hope to bring lessons from this Initiative to my state.

I’m a community-based organization and want to learn more about working with health plans. I selected the Alignment Resources and Helpful Documents and read HCPLAN’s Guidance for Health Care Entities Partnering with Community-Based Organizations.

I’m a policymaker and want to know about existing quality measure requirements placed on health plans in my state and if there is upcoming legislation from CMS I should know about. I selected the Upcoming and Performance Measurement and Reporting filters to read more about anticipated final rules and measure sets.
Last updated: 11/14/2024
Is something missing from the Alignment Landscape? Please fill out the form with suggestions for additional topics or specific initiatives you would like to see added.
Government Regulation and Guidance
2025 Physician Fee Schedule: Medicare Shared Savings Program Final Rule
Collaboratives and Innovative Partnerships
Alignment Proposal for the North
Carolina State Transformation Collaborative
Government Regulation and Guidance
Contract Year 2025 Medicare
Advantage and Part D Final Rule
Government Regulation and Guidance
Medicaid and Children’s Health
Insurance Program Managed Care
Access, Finance and Quality Final Rule
Government Regulation and Guidance
Updates to the Office of Management
and Budget’s Race and Ethnicity
Statistical Standards
Government Regulation and Guidance
2025 Hospital Inpatient Prospective Payment
System and Long-Term Care Hospital
Prospective Payment System Final Rule
Government Regulation and Guidance
Alternative Payment Model
Performance Pathway
Collaboratives and Innovative Partnerships
Arkansas’s Multi-state,
Multi-payer Collaborative
Collaboratives and Innovative Partnerships
California Advanced Primary
Care Initiative
Collaboratives and Innovative Partnerships
California Health and Human Services Data Exchange Framework
Government Regulation and Guidance
California Medi-Cal Managed
Care Plan Requirements
Government Regulation and Guidance
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services Medicaid Adult Core Sets
Government Regulation and Guidance
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services Meaningful Measures Initiative
Government Regulation and Guidance
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services Medicaid Child Core Sets
Collaboratives and Innovative Partnerships
Civitas Networks for Health
Collaboratives and Innovative Partnerships
Colorado Primary Care Payment
Reform Collaborative
Government Regulation and Guidance
Colorado Regulation 4-2-96 Concerning
Primary Care Alternative
Payment Model Parameters
Collaboratives and Innovative Partnerships
Colorado Social Health
Information Exchange (SHIE)
Collaboratives and Innovative Partnerships
Core Quality Measures
Collaborative Measure Sets
Collaboratives and Innovative Partnerships
Covered California’s Quality
Transformation Initiative
Government Regulation and Guidance
Cures Act Final Rule
for Data Sharing
Collaboratives and Innovative Partnerships
Delaware Primary Care
Reform Collaborative
Government Regulation and Guidance
Final Rule to Expand Access
to Health Information and Improve
the Prior Authorization Process
Alignment Resources and Helpful Documents
HCPLAN’s Guidance for Health Care
Entities Partnering with
Community-Based Organizations
Alignment Resources and Helpful Documents
HCPLAN’s Guidance on
Social Risk Adjustment
Collaboratives and Innovative Partnerships
Integrated Healthcare Association’s
Align. Measure. Perform. Program
Collaboratives and Innovative Partnerships
Kentuckiana Health Collaborative
Collaboratives and Innovative Partnerships
Massachusetts Quality Measure
Alignment Taskforce
Collaboratives and Innovative Partnerships
Michigan Multipayer Initiatives
Collaboratives and Innovative Partnerships
Minnesota Community Measurement
Collaboratives and Innovative Partnerships
National Committee for Quality
Assurance Bulk FHIR Coalition
Collaboratives and Innovative Partnerships
National Committee for Quality
Assurance Health Equity
Accreditation Programs
Collaboratives and Innovative Partnerships
National Quality Forum
Aligned Innovation
Collaboratives and Innovative Partnerships
Collaboratives and Innovative Partnerships
North Carolina Healthy
Opportunities Pilots
Alignment Resources and Helpful Documents
Oregon Regional Multi-Payer
Global Budget Model:
Aligning 4 Health
Collaboratives and Innovative Partnerships
Partnership to Align
Social Care
Collaboratives and Innovative Partnerships
The Center for Medicare &
Medicaid Innovation Models
Collaboratives and Innovative Partnerships
The Gravity Project
Alignment Resources and Helpful Documents
The Health Care Transformation
Task Force’s Resources
and Perspectives
Alignment Resources and Helpful Documents
The Maternal Health Hub’s
Maternal Health Quality Report
Alignment Resources and Helpful Documents
The Future of Sustainable Value-Based
Payment: Voluntary Best Practices
to Advance Data Sharing
Government Regulation and Guidance
The Universal Foundation
Measure Set
Government Regulation and Guidance
Trusted Exchange Framework
Common Agreement Standards
Government Regulation and Guidance
Updated Centers for Medicare
& Medicaid Services Health
Equity Framework
Collaboratives and Innovative Partnerships
Vermont’s All-Payer Accountable
Care Organization Model
Collaboratives and Innovative Partnerships
Washington Multi-Payer Collaborative