Commercial health plans, Managed Care Organizations (MCOs), state Medicaid agencies, Medicare Advantage (MA) plans, and Traditional Medicare voluntarily participated in a national effort to measure the use of Alternative Payment Models (APMs) as well as progress towards the LAN’s 2030 goals by line of business.

In 2021,
19.6% of U.S. health care payments, flowed through Categories 3B-4 models.
In each market, Categories 3B-4 payments accounted for:

2022 APM Measurement Infographic


Since its inception in 2015, the LAN has measured the amount of U.S. health care payments that flow through alternative payment
models (APMs). Over time, the LAN refined its measurement process to examine APM adoption by line of business (LOB) and payments by subcategory within the four categories of the LAN’s Refreshed APM Framework.

The line graph shows how APM spending in Categories 3 and 4 changed year-over-year by LOB. The bar graph illustrates the adoption of two-sided risk APM spending (Categories 3B, 4A, 4B, 4C) by line of business since 2018. Click below to view the graphs.

2021 Trends