Payer Input Needed: APM Measurement Survey

On behalf of the Health Care Payment Learning & Action Network (LAN), the Payer Collaborative invites you to submit comments and feedback on a proposed nationwide data collection survey designed to help the LAN assess the adoption of alternative payment models (APMs). This initiative follows the development and release of the APM Framework by the LAN’s APM Framework Progress and Tracking Work Group. The survey will launch in mid-May and is anticipated to run for eight weeks, through mid-July.

Your Input Needed to Inform Measurement Survey
The results of the nationwide survey will help the LAN assess progress in APM Framework adoption. However, before the Payer Collaborative launches the survey, we would like to receive comments and feedback from payers and stakeholders on the proposed methodology for measuring progress of APM adoption.

In particular, the LAN is seeking input on the feasibility of obtaining internal data from a wide variety of plans and the anticipated investment of time necessary to complete the survey. The comment period will close April 16, 2016. We value your input:

Submit Your Plan Data for Aggregation
In addition, the LAN is currently recruiting public and private health plans to volunteer to participate in the APM data collection survey. Individual plan data will be aggregated with data from hundreds of other payers participating in the effort to help provide a view of the nation’s progress towards payment reform. Individual plan data will not be shared. Interested plans should contact Lauren Icard at for more information. You may also contact Lauren if you have questions about this initiative.

Thank you for your involvement.

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