Patient Attribution & Financial Benchmarking Comment Periods Open

The public comment period for the draft Patient Attribution and Financial Benchmarking White Papers are now open. The Population-Based Payment (PBP) Work Group invites you to comment on the draft white papers now through Monday, March 7.

Key Next Steps

  • Monday, February 8: Comment period open
  • Tuesday, February 9 @ 12:00 -1:30 PM ET: LAN Update Webinar – Accelerating and Aligning Population-Based Payment Models: Preliminary Recommendations on Patient Attribution and Financial Benchmarking (register)
  • Monday, March 7: Comment period closes
  • Monday, April 4: Presentation of the final White Papers

Overview of the Draft White Papers

patient-attributionThe draft white paper titled Accelerating and Aligning Population-Based Payment Models: Patient Attribution describes the method by which patient populations are assigned to providers who are accountable for total cost of care and quality outcomes for their designated populations in a PBP model. The paper recommends that active, intentional identification or self-reporting by patients should be considered first. The paper also outlines nine additional recommendations that payers and providers can use when making decisions on attribution in their PBP models.

financial-benchmarkingThe draft white paper titled Accelerating and Aligning Population-Based Payment Models: Financial Benchmarking describes approaches for setting an initial benchmark and updates over time and also addresses risk adjustment considerations. The white paper discusses the need to balance voluntary participation with the movement towards convergence in a market with providers at different starting points.

Information and positions taken in these documents should be considered preliminary until the Work Group receives input from the LAN and releases final versions of the White Papers.

What Feedback Are We Seeking?

Your comments will help to refine the final Patient Attribution and Financial Benchmarking White Papers, both of which are targeted for release later this year. In particular, the Work Group is seeking feedback on:

  • the overall White Paper and recommendations;
  • diagrams, flowcharts and tables used to illustrate key concepts; and
  • examples that would be useful for illustrating the recommendations.

How Will We Collect Feedback?

The PBP Work Group will be collecting feedback:

If the options listed above are unavailable for any reason, feel free to submit comments via e-mail at

The Work Group requests feedback by Monday, March 7, 2016. We appreciate your involvement and look forward to your input.

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