Elective Joint Replacement Comment Period Open

The public comment period for the draft Elective Joint Replacement White Paper is now open. The Clinical Episode Payment (CEP) Work Group invites you to comment on the draft white paper now through Monday, March 28.

Key Dates

  • Friday, February 26: Comment period open
  • Monday, March 28: Comment period closes
  • TBD: Listening sessions for providers, purchases, consumers, and payers

Overview of the Draft White Paper


The draft white paper provides recommendations for how to design patient-centered episode payment for elective hip and knee replacement. Specifically, the white paper discusses the Work Group’s recommendations for those design elements and operational considerations that support clinical episode payment adoption across a broad set of health plans, providers, and purchasers. Information and positions taken in this document should be considered preliminary until the Work Group receives input from the LAN and releases a final version of the white paper.

What Feedback Are We Seeking?

Your comments will help to refine the final white paper, which is targeted for release later this year. In addition to input about the overall white paper, the CEP Work Group is seeking feedback on:

  • Definitions and terminology
  • Design element recommendations
  • Operational considerations
  • Stakeholder perspectives
  • Examples and case studies that would be useful to illustrate the adoption of clinical episode payment models.

How Will We Collect Feedback?

The CEPWork Group will be collecting feedback:

Webinar Recording Now Available

On Tuesday, February 23, the Work Group hosted a webinar to provide an overview of the Work Group’s decision making process and a high level review of the Elective Joint Replacement recommendations. Work Group member Steve Spaulding also presented on Arkansas Blue Cross Blue Shield’s experience with implementing episode payments in their market. For more information and to listen to the recording, view slides, or read a summary, visit the webinar archive.

The Work Group requests feedback by Monday, March 28. We appreciate your involvement and look forward to your input.


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